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Broehe Ballman, LMT, CCSP
Sep 25, 20195 min read
What are the Tides? And why my teacher said that true health depends on them.
There is good news; a part of us is already connected to life's blueprint for balance and well being. Its called the Long Tide. Before we...
Broehe Ballman, LMT, CCSP
Jul 21, 20168 min read
Let's talk daily neck pain. And relieve it.
If your pain is the result of a recent injury within months of an event, or ongoing pain related to vertebrae fusion, hardware, nerve...
Broehe Ballman LMT, CCSP
Dec 4, 20158 min read
Soothing Jaw Pain, soothing stress
This list and commentary below contains a bit of medicine we could all use to soothe stress, the common denominator for tmj and jaw pain...
Broehe Ballman, LMP, CCSP
Dec 4, 20147 min read
Chronic Pain Recovery in Six Steps
Here's an overview of the 6 major components of recovery that I give my clients and that I've followed myself to recover from chronic...
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